Tuesday, March 18, 2008

About us

Amidst innumerable NGO's that have mushroomed across the country and working as just money making organizations, we have made a sincere effort in this sphere ever since our inception. Although a new organization, Leena Charitable Trust has made its presence felt in the right direction.
Our main objectives are to Maintain rehabilitation and relief homes , counseling centers,emergency exit homes, for run away children,physically and Mentally handicapped children,street children , women and children engaged in prostitution and other destitude women and children and provide relief help and counseling them .

Identifying and working on various social problems through a set Plan Of Action, is the way we work. Locating the problem area. But its tougher to get your act together to generate awareness about the issue and thereby generate ample funds to solve the monetary constraints for the successful completion of the task. Leena Charitable Trust has prior experience in serving the deprived and disadvantaged through mobilizing the requisite resources and making our voice heard in all social corridors.

Plan Of Action
To make our voices heard by the concerned authorities, we follow a Plan Of Action, which is not necessarily a set pattern but helps in giving a direction to our efforts for direct action. The different steps that we come across while rendering our help are:


We bring together the various groups of the affected people together and help them in giving the right direction to their efforts. Thus creating a long chain of coalition partners who voice their opinion for an issue.

Marches and Rallies

We make efforts to mobilize and sensitize the masses through a number of marches and rallies that are organized across the country for maximum participation. Such events have a greater impact in generating attention of the media and political and social concern.

Advocacy and Lobbying

Our efforts also include Advocacy and Lobbying at the national level to ensure that the rights of the disabled or deprived are given due importance in the legal framework. Spearheading social mobility campaigns by bringing together diverse groups and unions together for a particular issue.

Consumer Campaigns

Since our Trust also works for preventing environmental degradation, we ensure that awareness about the issue has maximum impact on the consumers. Through labeling of certain substances as ‘harmful’ to the environment.

Political Campaigns

We also make efforts to enlighten the political circles through effective lobbying. Our NGO believes in motivating the political parties and individuals to take interest in up liftment of the socially deprived and disadvantaged.

Founder & Trustees

For the proper and smooth functioning of the trust, we have laid down certain rules and regulations that have been charted out by the Trust members. The rule book says that the Founder and Chairman of the Trust shall hold office for life.

Any vacancy arising in the office of the trustees by the reason of death, retirement of for other valid reason shall be filled up by surviving or reaming trustees. The Board Of Trustees comprises of the following esteemed members: Regn No - RJN-4-00257-2007-08

Ms. LEENA Awungshi Founder & Chairman Ph : +91- 9880249571

Mr. Atanu Deb Trustee Ph : +91- 9845576736

Mr. Lolennusang Ao Trustee

Ms.Sayona Awungshi Trustee

Ms. A.S. Shelia Trustee

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