Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Aim and Objectives

Aim and Objectives

a.) To establish, run support and grant aid or other financial assistance to schools, colleges, libraries, reading rooms, universities, laboratories, research and other institution of the like nature in India, for use by the students and the staff and also for the development and advancement of education and diffusion of knowledge amongst the public in general.

b.) To eastablish and maintain rehabalation centers and counselling centers for old people, Sick people and relief homes.

c.) To grant relief and assistance to the needy victims during natural calamities such as famine, earth quake, flood, fire, pestilence, etc

d.) To construct repair and manage the marghats, cemeteries and burial grounds.

e.) To eastablish and maintain community Development centers in Rural Areas and weaker section in the remote villages.

f.) TO eastablish ,develop and maintain traning centers, to train destitute, poor and underprivileged in various vocations, trades, skill or other Economic activities necessary for their rehabalation into Society and to make them economically productive society.

g.) To set apart and/ or allocate the whole or part of the income, or,

h.) To join, Co-operate or amalgamate this with other or others having kindred or allied.

i.) To give aid by way of donations out of the income or the corpus of the Trust fund or otherwise, to different charitable institutions, societies, organizations or Trusts in India which may have been established or which may hereafter be established for the like charitable purposes.

k.) To establish, promote, manage, organize or maintain or to assist in establishing, promoting, managing, organizing, or maintaining.

l.) To conducting awareness programs / cams in rural/urban/villages and remote areas to supply free medicines and give Free treatment for the sick and poor perople.

m. To establish , maintain and manage cottage , tiny or small scale industries and to encourage and assist in implementing of this industries for the benefit of poor and destitute underprivileged in society.

n. To implement Schemes specially targeting women and children to improve nutrition’s levels on health care, hygiene, prevention and cure of all types of diseases.

o. To establish hospitals, dispensaries and sanatoriums.

p. To promote and support Origination and any other inactive for the protection and preservation of environment, including forest and historical monuments and promote research for the same.

q. To establish, conduct, organized worship centers for the public interest.

r. To generally do all other acts/deeds and things necessary or incidental or to attainment of the above objectives

1 comment:

Santosh said...

Nice Work Guys..Keep it up..